
Hello, I‘m Thomas, a software engineer from Vienna. I love to build stuff for the web.

I‘m lucky to say that I always wanted to be a programmer in life, ever since my cousin showed me his first computer. At the time I didn‘t know what a programmer is or does, I was just a little kid, yet I wanted to know how this thing works.

And so it happened that while I work primarily on the web platform today, my first few lines of code didn‘t run in the browser. Instead my first few lines of code were written in C to be run on a microntroller.

While I don‘t program microcontrollers any longer, my interest for low level stuff remained. As well as being observant about memory consumption and other possible bottlenecks. Something that on the web today with its comparably unlimited memory and resources took a backseat.

That said, while I can get super excited by geeky low level stuff like any other engineer, I‘m one of those weird rare engineers that want to talk about visual design too. That‘s why I stuck with the web platform, it‘s a nice mix of programming and design, some hate it, I love it :)

Another big reason why I wouldn‘t want to do anything else is that it‘s a team effort, no project is the same, there are 1000 ways to do it, figuring out, collectively, the best one is a big part of the satisfaction. Also because it‘s a young industry, developing web apps 10 years ago is different from developing web apps today, we are still figuring stuff out.

I also love languages in general not just computer ones, in my spare time I try to work on my Spanish and Portuguese, check my projects to see how I use my skills to aid me in that.

My Projects